The funny aspect of New Year resolution is that, many of us try a work around to break the commitment. Thus making them sound more like a financial instruments that comes with terms & conditions. For an instance my colleague took a resolution to conserve water; he’s been living on deodorants. My friend resolved that she will stop gossiping about others, ever since she stopped talking to me. My Colleague, who stopped buying cigarettes, is getting it from others. I, like my friends and colleagues was never a good keeper of my resolutions. It’s quite evident from my history of resolutions.
Year 2000: To be more popular. (I made it to attendance shortage list)
Year 2001: Not to do last minute studies before exam. (I did not do, I flunked in two)
Year 2002: No more additions to "Crush List". (....Wait who is that?)
Year 2003: Impress my boss. (I asked her out for a date. I am looking for a new job now.)
Year 2004: Achieve a six figure paycheck like my friends did. (I am converting my salary to Zimbabwean dollars before telling anyone)
Year 2005: Spend less time on TV. (I am using my laptop to watch movies)
Year 2006: I no longer will doze off in the class. (I found a nice corner to sleep)
Year 2007: I will to go to Gym at least 5 days a week; (I am driving past it now)
Year 2008: This year I‘ve made good number of resolutions. (Once I remember all of them I will start implementing one by one)
Year 2009: Recollect the past resolutions and line them up for future in the order of FIFO (Including this resolution)
In the Year 2010, I resolved not to procrastinate more, but I think I will wait till next year. But after all, why do we wait all the year to make a commitment on 31st night! Well, blame it on Romans who started this ritual. Romans named the month "January" after their mystical king Janus who is depicted with two faces .Thus he looks forward (towards new year) and backward (towards old year) at the same time. Symbolizing that the mistakes in the old year are not forgotten in the New Year.
With due respect to the King Janus, I would say any day is a good day to start afresh. The motive behind taking a resolution is to make the actual life style more like an ideal life style. The ideal life style is all about dreams like making workout as a part of the routine or doing charity like working on neglected children(probably of their own) or giving up some dangerous addictions (like TV serials or reality shows) etc. But this requires a strong will, an unwavering determination and an ability to stand against all odds to keep the commitments. The most arduous effect involves in fighting the inner demons, which in my case I end up taking their side.
I will be branded as double faced (not like king Janus) if I try to preach the ways to keep the resolution, but that's how I end this blog. Make one resolution at a time, which is practical, and attainable. Make it more interesting by adding few incentives. Do not scrap the resolution because of slip ups. As I said controlling the inner urge and keep the consistency in the commitment is the key success to win. So go ahead and start afresh as someone rightly said “Every day is a new day for the rest of our life”

I will be branded as double faced (not like king Janus) if I try to preach the ways to keep the resolution, but that's how I end this blog. Make one resolution at a time, which is practical, and attainable. Make it more interesting by adding few incentives. Do not scrap the resolution because of slip ups. As I said controlling the inner urge and keep the consistency in the commitment is the key success to win. So go ahead and start afresh as someone rightly said “Every day is a new day for the rest of our life”
Dude your blogs are becoming increasingly addictive ...something i look forward to ...keep up the good work.
hey .. your creativity mixed with sense of humour is superb.. great.. wherever u r, u keep us laughing :)
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